obstacle avoiding robot using arduino
So you wanna build a robot which never hits anything; you’ve come to the right place! It barely takes 15 minutes to do this! So without wasting our time let’s learn how to make an obstacle avoiding robot!
So yes, I’m going to divide the whole making into 4 parts –
Connections of Ultrasonic sensor → Connections of L298N → Code → Testing
If you haven’t used or experimented before with the ultrasonic sensor, I would suggest you to get familiar with it first! I have a detailed tutorial on ultrasonic sensor HC SR-04 which will guide you throughout!
Here is detailed Tutorial on Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
Let me tell you, if you’re getting confused between the connections of motor driver and motors, you can first try only with one motor. For more clarity, I have made a separate tutorial for you on interfacing Arduino with Motor driver module L298N. I have provided the connections as well as the code for it.
int trigPin = 9; int echoPin = 10; int revright = 4; //REVerse motion of Right motor int fwdleft = 7; int revleft= 6; int fwdright= 5; //ForWarD motion of Right motor int c = 0; void setup() { //Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(5, OUTPUT); pinMode(6, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); pinMode(7, OUTPUT); pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // put your setup code here, to run once: } void loop() { long duration, distance; digitalWrite(trigPin,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(1000); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); duration=pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); distance =(duration/2)/29.1; //Serial.print(distance); //Serial.println("CM"); delay(10); if((distance>20)) { digitalWrite(5,HIGH); // If you dont get proper movements of your robot, digitalWrite(4,LOW); // then alter the pin numbers digitalWrite(6,LOW); // digitalWrite(7,HIGH); // } else if(distance<20) { digitalWrite(5,HIGH); digitalWrite(4,LOW); digitalWrite(6,HIGH); //HIGH digitalWrite(7,LOW); } }
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If the distance detected by the ultrasonic sensor is less than 25cm, then the bot will take a turn else, it will keep moving straight ! Simple… right ?
Well, here is a video tutorial which will make your job more easy !
Do I need to say this, NO… but anyway I will,
If you have any problem regarding connections or coding or during interfacing, all you have to do is comment down below OR contact me 🙂 I’ll very happy to help you
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View Comments
Hello, I was wondering what rpm your dc motors are at?
Hello Ricky, they are 100 rpm DC motors
Why my driver l298n not working even though i have given a 9v battery voltage?
Hi Dika, please check the connections again or there is a minor chance that your module must have fried because of prior wrong connection!
Hi, I was wondering if I use a l293 motor driver instead of l298N would that mean that the arduino code has to be changed ?
No Chris, the code will be the same :D
This is one of the best websites i have ever visited for doing my school projects.I just did a little modification .I actually attached a overhead roof and attached a bottle. This was a automatic floor cleaner.It won me a silver medal
Hello Megh, Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comment! A great, quick and simple modification Megh. Glad to know I could help you! :D
I have used a 12 volt battery but still car is not moving please help...
Hello, please check the connections & code! If they are exactly the same as mine, then try to just rotate the motor first.
Can someone please tell me how can I edit the code provided so that I can make the robot turn wider after it stops in front of an object?
Hello, I think you can try entering a little delay() after or in the part where the bot takes turn. Try and let me know Therans
Thank you very much.Please upload another projects that can be done with 'Arduino'😄
Sure.. another one is one its way. Stay tuned :D