Hey there reader, I hope you and everyone you know are safe in their own house in the ongoing pandemic crises. The novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 has now infected more than 10 million people worldwide putting over 500,000 to fall asleep forever. Today, in this article we will discuss how some of the machines and devices are helping us to eliminate this pernicious virus from the environment as well as humans.
1. Scitech Airon
The inventor of the device – Prof. Jagdale of Pune, India claims that his device is able to kill the coronavirus present in the air. How? Well, here’s the science in layman words –

The virus multiplies only when it enters INTO the body and infects lung cells. The virus protects its RNA with its lipid wall/layer. The protein spikes over the lipid layer act like hooks and helps itself to attach to our body cells. If they are destroyed, it cannot attach itself to other cells and thus fails at infecting the person.
The device has an ion generator. It generates very unstable Oxygen(O2 molecules) which reacts with moisture in the air and produces OH–(alcohol) and H2O2– (Hydrogen Peroxide). Both of them can be found used as disinfectants as alcohol-based solution in hand sanitizers and Hydrogen Peroxide in disinfecting drinking water. The highly reactive ions react with the glycoprotein spikes of the virus and destroys them killing the virus at a molecular level leaving it hamstrung.
2. UV light emitters
UV light emitters are already used in medical facilities & hospitals but newer innovative solutions have now enabled us to use in many other places. One of them to mention is Airplanes. GermFalcon – a device developed by Dimer, is a UV-C radiating device specifically designed to kill all types of bacteria, pathogens and viruses found on most commonly touched surfaces of an airplane.

What does a sunscreen do? Well, it prevents our skin from burning & protects it from the harmful UV-A & UV-B rays emitted by Sun. Well, it turns out that the Sun also emits UV-C rays but is unable to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere meaning no germs are immune to them. Hence, UV-C rays are artificially generated and simply used to kill the germs.
3. CoughSync

CoughSync was developed by Dr. Eliezer Be’eri, the Director of the Department of Respiratory Rehabilitation at Alyn Hospital in Israel. It was originally built as a cough simulating machine to clear phlegm from a patient’s airways. The device is attached to a ventilator and the doctor claims that it can even clear secretions from the airways of patients with acute Coronavirus infections.
The device currently is being manufactured by Ruxin Medical Systems in China. Ruxin has already carried out successful clinical trials to prove efficacy on 100 patients in two Beijing hospitals. The device is approved for use in Europe and few of them are already in use in India.
No specific treatment and medicine being available for coronavirus disease(COVID-19), these devices can only help us to prevent it from spreading more and give hope in saving the lives of people already infected.
Nature has asked the very least from us – Selfishness. It is an unprecedented time where being selfish is a selfless act in itself which will save you, your family and the society. We are in this together and without even a teensy bit of doubt, Humanity will vanquish! Stay home, stay safe ❤