Finalising your topic of the final year project/thesis is daunting and at times a complicated task for students. Yes, my dear friend, I know, I’ve been there. And this is why I decided to share all the projects for mechanical engineering students I have come across.
Some people are out of good project ideas and some have ideas but are still confused about which to select. There are so many projects to choose from – Fabrication projects, CAD design projects, Thermal Analysis projects, CFD analysis projects, Mechatronics projects, Automobile projects, Agriculture engineering projects and the list goes on. You have come here for project ideas and let me tell you – you have come to the perfect place!
So today here, I am going to help YOU and my fellow mechanical engineers help them select their projects by giving you ideas and an extensive list of projects!
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List of projects for Mechanical engineering students
- Solar Grain Separator
- Automatic Tire inflator
- Rice Transplanter
- Compressed Air Engine
- Land Slide Detection
- Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Gear Shifting
- Maxwell Bridge
- Plastic Injection Molding Machine
- Aqua Silencer
- VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) Compression Between 3 Types Of Blades)
- Fatigue Testing Machine Horizontal Type
- SkySaver Emergency Rescue kit
- Artificial Oxygen Tree
- Automatic Medicine Vending Machine
- Magnetic Coupling For Contactless Power Transmission System
- VTOL Aircraft
- Agricultural Survey Aircraft
- Bladeless Vortex Turbine Power Generation
- Test Rig For VCR (Vapour Compression Refrigeration )System With Heat Exchanger For Improving Efficiency
- Urea Fertilizer Separator
- Brick Making Machine For Recycling Plant Waste
- Improving Efficiency For Two Wheeler Engine Using EGR System
- Magnetic Gearing System
- Table Top 3 Axis CNC Machine
- Intelligent Braking System
- Macanum Wheel Bot with Robotic Arm
- Power Generation Using Gravity
- Mini Aqua Silencer
- Aqua Silencer Diesel Generator Version
- Exhaust Heat Utilization Using Turbo Charger
- Floor Clinging Vacuuming Mapping Drying
- Portable RO Purifier
- Solenoid Engine
- Contactless Eddy Braking System
- Design & Fabrication Of Intelligent Vehicle Safety System To Avoid Accident
- Cow Dung Cake Making Machine
- Stir Casting Ingots
- Heating & Ventilation
- Design & Fabrication of Vermicomposter machine
- Solar Powered Grain Separator
- Pedal Operated RO Purifier
- Spot Welder in Grabber
- Spot Welder With Adjustment
- Solar Water Heater Combed
- Airbag for 2-wheeler
- Solar Air-Cooler & Heater
- Multi-Nozzle Spray Pump
- Design & Fabrication of mini Lathe Machine
- Automated Double Hacksaw Project
- 360 Degree Flexible Drill Machine
- Automatic paper Cutting Machine using Geneva Mechanism
- E-Skateboard with Pressure sensing
- Design & Fabrication of Mechanical Footstep Power Generator
- Two Wheel Drive industrial Forklift project
- RF Controlled Beach Cleaner Robotic Vehicle
- Pneumatic powered wall climbing robot
- Free energy Mechanism
- Multi Operational Machine
- Bullock Cart Mechanism(Bullock Cart-Prototype Mobil)
- Hydraulic ram pump
- Box transport mechanism
- Frictionless braking system
- Automated Car parking system
- Sheet metal rolling mill
- Mono cycle
- Four-wheel steering system
- Radio-control hovercraft
- Mini CNC plotter machine
- Mechanical bicycle
- Smart wheelchair
- Innovative foldable cycle
- Air hybrid tricycle
- Rowing boat
- Seed sowing mechanisms
- Low effort run cycle
- Motorized hydraulic jack
- Hydraulic arm
- Solar power bicycle
- Can crusher
- T-shirt folding machine
- Pedal power double hacksaw machine
- Semi-Automatic Punching machine
- Mechanical spider
- AATA spider
- Pedal-operated drilling machine
- Friction drive drilling
- Electromechanical jack
- Hydraulic pipe bender
- Magnetic separator
- Rope winding machine
- Industrial robot model
- Swinging electricity generator
- Non-conventional electricity generator
- Low-cost millet thresher machine
- Power generation by using railway track
- Hand tapper machine
- Mini crop ripper machine
- Automatic solar panel cleaning system
- Smart solar grass cutter using Arduino
- Gearless transmission
- Chainless bicycle mini project
- Brake failure indicator
- 90-degree steering mechanism
- Auto feed drill machine
- LPG gas installation kit for motorcycle
- Regenerative braking system
- Reverse gear in motorcycle
- 3-axis pneumatic modern trailer
- Automatic sprocket side stand retrieval
- Electromagnetic shock absorber
- Firefighting robot
- Steam engine
- Hydraulic bending machine
- Electricity generator by treadmill
- Wireless remote controlled floor cleaner
- Turbocharger for two-wheeler fitting
- Manual dust collecting floor cleaner
- Transfer rail control using PLC
- Material handling automobile project
- Border security robot
- 360 wheel rotating vehicle machine
- Pneumatic auto Gear shifter
- Auto roll punching machine
- Multiseed crusher
- Automatic rod cutting machine
- Oil-water separator
- CAV (Compressed air vehicle )
- Automatic bottle filling machine
- Electromagnetic engine
- Pneumatic drill machine with CNC
- Hybrid city commuter
- Electromagnetic clutch
- Internal grinding for lath attachment
- Horizontal vise
- Indexing head for gear cutting
- Steam power plant
- Ball-bearing test bench
- Mini metro rail project
- Natural fiber composite material
- Pneumatic crusher
- Hand operated continues concrete mixer
- Manual prorated multi-tasking robot
- Four-wheel steering car
- Hovercraft
- Table milling machine
- Pneumatic cup making machine
- Go-kart
- Reciprocating water pump
- Ramjet engine model
- Cutter machine
- Multipurpose sprinkler machine
- Hybrid transmission prototype
- Mini steel lathe machine
- Arc welding cart
- Free energy generator
- Mini lathe wood machine
- Electric car screw jack
- Steel bending machine
- Self-operating water pump for agriculture
- Coconut grate and squeeze machine
- Wood sanding machine
- Enhancement of solar heater (modern & efficient material)
- Gearbox assembly attachment with crane
- R.C. Quadcopter with camera and GPS
- Shoe polish machine
- Casting machine matrix
- Hydraulic robot
- Quick lifting jack with bevel gear arrangement
- High RPM machine
- Energy production through vehicular loading
- Rocker bogie mechanism
- Rear crash analysis
- Scrab culating for lathe machine
- Steam powerplant model
- Portable attachment for bed
- Chaff cutter machine
- Pedal operator potter wheel
- Water bike
- Solar powered hacksaw machine
- Motorcycle mover trolly
- Semi-auto Loyang cake machine
- Motor powered industrial forklift
- Snacks vending machine
- Extreme bed shaker
- Activated wake-up machine
- Voice-activated wake fire blaster
- Voice-activated bed shaker
- Engine-powered wrench
- Remote hose pipe controller
- A motorized car
- Start pulse jet
- Hover-bike
- A motorized drift car
- A 60mph mobility scooter
- Development of test rig for shock absorber endurance limit
- Increasing efficiency of IC engine by electrolysis process
- Analysis of Car Spoilers
- Design analysis and fabrication of brake system for the student formula race car
- Design analysis of suspension and system of student car
- Design and analysis of suspension and system of student car
- Design analysis and fabrication of chassis of student formula race car
- Analysis of vehicle air compression mounting bracket
- Sheet folding machine
- Rotary car parking system
- Pneumatic rod bending machine
- Pneumatic comparator
- Solar cooker
- Water pollutants cleaner
- Hydraulic floor crane
- Button operated hydraulic disc brake
- Valve pressure testing machine
- Magnetic shock absorber
- Hand operated cycle
- Pneumatic vice holder
- Wireless 360 degree rotating car
- Advance stair climbing trolley
- Bike lifting machine
- Solar inverter
- 360 degree rotating conveyer with up and down mechanism
- Android controlled pick and place robot mechanism
- Progressive press tool design and manufacturing
- Regeneration suspension system
- Universal steering
- Smart air cooler
- Efficient energy generator
- Power generation from ventilation
- Study and fabrication of jet wind turbine
- Mini CNC
- Aqua scrubber
- Pneumatic cycle
- Solar pump
- Pneumatic comparator
- Analysis of brake pads using different material
- Regenerative brake system
- Voice-based robotic arm vehicle
- Optimization of powder mixed EDM
- Solar cooker using evaporation
- Lift pump
- Design and analysis of the broach tool
- Darin wastewater cleaner
- Flapper wind turbine
- Smart bin compactor
- Gearbox tester
- Manufacturing of spring making machine
- Generation of electricity from ocean waves
- Kinetic energy recovery system from a motorcycle
- Power generation from speed-breaker
- Performance analysis of automobile suspension leaf spring
- Automatic sliding windows
- Worm gear jack for scissor lift
- Pipe inspection robot
- Model of multipurpose sheet metal processing machine
- Crank and lever reciprocating suspension leaf springs
- Automatic electric car jack system
- Waste management
- Fuel from plastic waste
DID YOU KNOW – You can even buy mechanical engineering project kits online, here on our website at the lowest prices! Along with that, CAD drawings & PPT presentations. Want to know more about the project? Download Synopsis for FREE 😀