Your car is like your little baby. You’ve probably paid quite a bit of money for it, and would like to be able to enjoy for many years to come. To ensure that it happens, you should be very serious about regular maintenance, and follow the helpful tips you can find on My Car Needs This. Now, while some maintenance tasks are better left for the experts, some are quite easy to do on your own. So here are a few of the many car maintenance tips that will save you money & in time, a fortune.
1. Accelerate Slowly
This is certainly within your control. In fact, it’s only within your control. Many people are under the impression that accelerating the car and racing the engine is a great way of helping it to warm up, when in fact, this is an incredibly bad idea. You’re only going to add years to your engine, particularly if you do this during the cold winter months.
2. Listen to the Car
Keep your eyes and ears open. Your car will constantly give you information on how it’s doing. Make it a point to listen to the sounds it makes on a regular basis, and if you notice that it’s making strange sounds, keep in mind that it could be because it’s got a mechanical problem. It’s best to catch these sorts of issues as fast as possible, since the more you let them be, the more expensive they are likely to get when the time comes to repair them.
3. Weekly Checks
You may be under the impression that you know everything that’s going on with your car, but the truth is that there are loads of things you won’t notice on a day-to-day drive. With that in mind, it’s important to be sure to do weekly checks, and look at general aspects, such as the state of your tires, light bulbs and engine oil.
4. Change Air Filter
To get down to the actual tasks you can do instead of a mechanic, changing the air filter is absolutely one of them. A clogged air filter can lead to tons of issues if it’s not taken care of, and changing it requires very little time and money. Here is a simple video tutorial on how to do it.
5. Windshield Wipers
The wipers are essential for proper visibility, which is why you should make very sure that the ones you’re using are working perfectly well. Unwelcomed weather changes can bring a stop to your travel. The great news is that if there is something wrong with them, you’ll only need about 15 minutes to replace them.
6. Consolidate Trips
We’re naturally quite comfortable beings, which means that we prefer to drive as much as possible, rather than have to walk. If you’ve got multiple trips you need to get done, consider consolidating them into one big trip. By doing so, you’ll be sure to keep your car’s engine from getting too stressed, which in turn, will help it live longer.
Related – 5 DIY tips to help maintain your car
7. Reputable Gas Stations
While some no-name gas stations may have cheaper, it may be because the gas they’re selling isn’t the highest in quality. This may be cheaper in the short-term, but when you consider all the car costs, you’re likely going to have to deal with because of this, you’ll soon realize that those few cents you’ve saved have multiplied for the repair process. As such, choose reputable gas stations that sell high quality fuel.
8. Tires
Purchasing new tires can be quite expensive, but if you leave them in one spot through the entire time you use them, they are going to get unevenly worn out. Because of this, you’re going to need to purchase new ones sooner, rather than later. With that in mind, make it a point to rotate your tires at least twice each year. Check the pressure levels of your tires every month and make sure they’re upto the mark. More or less pressures can cause wear and tear of tires significantly. Also if anytime you feel that the car takes a curve path even while keeping the steering wheel straight, align your wheels properly. Overloading your vehicle all the time can also do a serious damage to your vehicle.

Taking proper care of your car is essential not just to help it have a longer life, but also to keep repair costs down. The great thing about maintenance is that there are some steps you can do on your own without any issues.
Here are a few great tips for you before you buy a car!
Feel free to post down in the comment section below if you have great tip for us all 😀