Cubli – A robot which jumps, balances and walks on his own !

July 14, 2015

Cubli :-

A combination of two words, Cube – an English word & li- an Swiss German diminutive word meaning ”small”. Researchers from the ETH Zurich’s Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control have developed the Cubli, a 15x15x15 cm device that can walk, jump, and balance itself on its edge or even on a corner.

Cubli the walking robot

Researchers said that balancing was not a big issue for The Cubli, while the problem was jumping up from the rest position because at that instant, it needed more energy so they used reaction wheels mounted on three faces of the cube which rotated at high angular velocities & then brake suddenly which caused cubli to jump.

Once the cube stood up on a corner, controlled motor torques were applied to balance on one point.
In addition to balancing, motor torques were also used for a controlled fall in any direction.
Combining these things – jumping up, balancing, and controlled falling — the Cubli is able to walk on its own !


How do trains turn without differential ?

July 14, 2015

We have traveled thousands of kilometers in trains, but we haven’t given a thought about how do trains turn during a curved path ? Both the wheels are connected through an axle & obviously are of same diameter. But,when a train takes turn, the outer wheel has to cover more distance than the inner one…! How is this possible ? How can the outer wheel cover more distance than the inner one even when both the wheels have same diameter ??? 🙁

more “How do trains turn without differential ?”

Hello World !

July 14, 2015

Hi there everyone… My name is Jay Baviskar & this my website & my first post.