Hellloooo people, today we’ll be seeing what is a motor driver module, how to use it and where to use it – its connections and coding. So without wasting time, let’s directly jump to our motor driver L298N Arduino tutorial.
So you wanna build a robot which never hits anything; you’ve come to the right place! It barely takes 15 minutes to do this! So without wasting our time let’s learn how to make an obstacle avoiding robot!
At first, I had a notion that it must be such a difficult job – controlling things just by giving voice commands ! Uhh… it seemed that only the experts & nerds could do it ! But believe me, this turned out to be one of the easiest things I’ve come across related to Arduino. So without wasting our time lets know how to control LEDs with voice commands with this Arduino-Bluetooth module tutorial ! more “Control LEDs with Voice Command | Arduino-Bluetooth module tutorial”
Today I’m going to show you how to control any device with an Infrared remote(TV,DVD,AC etc.) and with the help of Arduino board. So lets get started.
Things you’ll need :-
Infrared receiver (I’m using one from the TSOP 17** series)
Arduino board.
Couple of jumpers/single stranded wires.
A LED Any remote(AC, TV, DVD player).
Connections :-
Connections of Infrared receiver with Arduino
Of Infrared reciever- Pin 1 –              GND (Ground pin of Arduino). Pin 2/Middle pin –   VCC (5v supply of Arduino). Pin 3 –              Data pin (pin number 3 on Arduino).
Note :- The pin no. 3 is a bit separated from the other two ! Don’t misunderstand between pin1 & pin3 !
Procedure :-
First things first, make the connections.
Now to turn ON/OFF any LED with the help of any remote we must know the value/code of the button through which we are going to change the state !
Download the IRemote library online from this link. Copy & paste the code I’ve provided. Upload it.
After uploading, click on the Serial Moniter option in the top right corner of Arduino window. Press the buttons you wish to control your LED with. Note down the values which appear in the Serial monitor window.
Making changes in your code by replacing YOUR values with “YOUR VALUE 1” & “YOUR VALUE 2” in the code. Again upload the code & test it out !
Code :-
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 3; //declared for receiving pulses
int c=0; // declared if you want to control with a single button
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup()
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
if(results.value==YOUR VALUE1)
else if(results.value==YOUR VALUE2)
/* if((results.value== YOUR VALUE3)&&(c%2==1)) // enables you to turn on & off with the help of same button"
else if((results.value==YOUR VALUE3)&&(c%2==0))
Here’s a video tutorial which will definitely make things easier for you 😉
Please comment below if you face any difficulties. I’d love to solve them 🙂 .
After an overwhelming success of Mars rover mission 2012, NASA’s next nuclear powered Mars rover is planned to launch in 2020. Scientists say that – it is gonna be way smarter & efficient than Curiosity, which is currently exploring the red planet.
I mean seriously, this thing is the GOD of robots… just look at it & it’s complexities!
Curiosity had an awesome design, heck lot of instruments, also its launch & entry into atmosphere of Mars & its landing – all went perfect as planned.
The rover 2020 mission is planned to explore a selected site which is geologically diverse & gives signs of having a past life.
This rover will collect samples of soil & rock and drop them at a selected point. Later those samples will be scooped up another mission to deliver the specimens collected back to Earth. The development of this mission is a combination of the “old” and the “new,” said Gentry Lee, chief engineer for Solar System Exploration at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California. Mission engineers said that the rover is going to get a new refined design.
Curiosity has been battling wear & tear on its wheels.
Damage caused to the wheels of Curiosity ! (source:- mars.nasa.gov)
The 2020 rover wheels are going to become heavier along with the rover’s body becoming a little longer. That may change the rover’s mobility system.
“We are really looking at ways to make this large heritage, build-to-print rover drive faster and do more science on the surface of Mars” said Jennifer Trosper, JPL’s mission manager on Mars 2020.
The future rover would have machines which will increase the speed of it even on rough terrains, Trosper said.
Instruments selected for the rover 2020 mission are also assembled on Curiosity. (source:- NASA)
The mechanical design & additional instruments would make mission efficiency jump from Curiosity’s roughly 55% to 80% !! Eagerly waiting for _______ !
The Mars Space Laboratory mission rover names – 1st was SOJOURNER; 2nd was OPPORTUNITY & it’s twin SPIRIT; 3rd was CURIOSITY; all giving a positive inspirational, motivational feeling !
What do you think would be 2020 rover’s name ? Share with us in the comment section below…