If you’ve taken a look online recently for anything related to Tesla or electric vehicles, you may have noticed that Tesla’s line of vehicles have the capability to essentially drive themselves with little to no human intervention. This might seem like technology from the far future, and even a little unsafe, however, taking a look into the nitty-gritty provided by all of the sensors in the Tesla vehicle models will show that there is a ton of data used to keep these cars self-driving safely down the freeway.
In 2019-2020, the most popular electric car sold was the Tesla Model 3. It hugely gained popularity when Elon Musk sent a Tesla Roadster into a space & also after launching the Tesla Roadster 2020 – the fastest accelerating car. Here are some jaw-dropping facts about Tesla Roadster 2020.
How sensors on a Tesla make Self-driving possible?
April 23, 2021