SUPERCHARGERS – sounds cool, right ? Well, it is. You might have come across it in NFS or other racing games if you are hardcore racing fan like me 😛 . So what are superchargers, their types, advantages, how do they work ?
Lets know everything related to them today, right here, right now !
How do Gas turbines or Jet engines work ?
Rotary/gnome engines were used to power aircrafts during WW-I & radial engines during WW-II. Then came the era of jet engines which completely revolutionized the aviation technology ! Jet engines were very much efficient & powerful than those used during World wars ! The power jet engines deliver is so high that an airplane weighing hundreds of tons lifts off the ground with such ease. How are they capable of producing so much of power/thrust ?
So lets not waste our time & have a look on how do jet engines work ? more “How do Gas turbines or Jet engines work ?”
Why does a spinning ball follows a curve path during flight ?
You must have noticed this while watching a football match that a spinning ball follows a curve path during flight ! So why does this happen ? Lets find out… more “Why does a spinning ball follows a curve path during flight ?”