We all do know what headlights & side lights/indicators are for on our motorbikes and cars but what are those blinking lights on an aeroplane ? Why do we need them & other airplane lights ?
Long time ago, I had this question that why aircrafts have flashing lights on them & especially green & red lights on each of the ends of wings ! Ever noticed ? What are those lights ? What are they for ? So here they are & their reasons ! more “Airplane lights | Why do airplanes have red & green lights at wing ends ?”
When the first humans set foot on Mars, the moment will be more significant in terms of technology, philosophy, history and exploration than any that have come before it, all because we will no longer be a one-planet species !
Today I’m going to show you how to control any device with an Infrared remote(TV,DVD,AC etc.) and with the help of Arduino board. So lets get started.
Things you’ll need :-
Infrared receiver (I’m using one from the TSOP 17** series)
Arduino board.
Couple of jumpers/single stranded wires.
A LED Any remote(AC, TV, DVD player).
Connections :-
Connections of Infrared receiver with Arduino
Of Infrared reciever- Pin 1 – GND (Ground pin of Arduino). Pin 2/Middle pin – VCC (5v supply of Arduino). Pin 3 – Data pin (pin number 3 on Arduino).
Note :- The pin no. 3 is a bit separated from the other two ! Don’t misunderstand between pin1 & pin3 !
Procedure :-
First things first, make the connections.
Now to turn ON/OFF any LED with the help of any remote we must know the value/code of the button through which we are going to change the state !
Download the IRemote library online from this link. Copy & paste the code I’ve provided. Upload it.
After uploading, click on the Serial Moniter option in the top right corner of Arduino window. Press the buttons you wish to control your LED with. Note down the values which appear in the Serial monitor window.
Making changes in your code by replacing YOUR values with “YOUR VALUE 1” & “YOUR VALUE 2” in the code. Again upload the code & test it out !
Code :-
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 3; //declared for receiving pulses
int c=0; // declared if you want to control with a single button
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup()
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
if(results.value==YOUR VALUE1)
else if(results.value==YOUR VALUE2)
/* if((results.value== YOUR VALUE3)&&(c%2==1)) // enables you to turn on & off with the help of same button"
else if((results.value==YOUR VALUE3)&&(c%2==0))
Here’s a video tutorial which will definitely make things easier for you 😉
Please comment below if you face any difficulties. I’d love to solve them 🙂 .
In India, nobody gives a damn about traffic rules ! I mean our knowledge is limited to road signboards(few 😛 ) & those traffic lights & this is the reason why there is a growth in number of road accidents. So lets just know more about traffic & road rules which might make our journey safe & sound !
White solid lines :-
Solid white lines indicate that you must not cross these lines to overtake or make a U-turn & stay in the lane you are already on.
source:- scoopwhoop.com
Broken White line :-
Broken white lines indicate that you may change the lane to overtake a vehicle with proper caution & indicating through proper signals.
source- total911.com
One solid yellow line :-
This line indicates that you cannot cross the line but can overtake.
source- www.allindiaroundup.com
Broken Yellow line :-
Passing is allowed but with caution.
souce- sabre-roads.org.uk
Double solid yellow lines :-
You can’t cross these lines unless you have to avoid obstructions(a fallen tree, a crashed vehicle etc.)
source:- www.architectureandcivilengineering.com
So next time if someone overtakes you by crossing a white continuous line you might wanna gun your engine & say him –
” You cannot overtake a vehicle by crossing a white solid line… *pause* B**ch ! 😛
8 out of 10 people still think that Autopilots are a computer system which are capable of driving the vehicles on their own ! Well that is completely wrong ! Rather than just correcting them, let us all know what is actually are autopilot system & everything else related to it !
One of the most frequently used tech-word we hear from the media after a flight crash is “Black box”. Well, many of the people don’t even know that Black boxes aren’t“black”. Do you really know about them enough ? If not, here’s everything you need to know about Black boxes/Flight recorders. more “What are Flight Recorders/Black boxes ?”
Just leave everything aside & have a look at these sophisticated & elegant furniture made by a Calfornian company named – MotoArt, which takes furniture to a whole new level of innovation. MotoArt is a company which makes furniture by recycling old parts of military & commercial airplanes. All our home furniture are ordinarily made up of wood, glass or plastic & you can buy them by getting huge discounts through Pepperfry Coupons unlike these amazing stuff… because great things come at a great price ! more “MotoArt – Company which makes furniture from retired airplanes !”